A Linguistic Analysis of Metadiscourse Markers in Literary and Scientific Articles


  • Abdulkarim Fadhil JAMEEL Author


Metadiscourse, literary, scientific, textual, interpersonal


Metadiscourse markers enables writers communicate their ideas and arguments as well as represent themselves more efficiently in their writings. This study intended to examine the metadiscourse features in literary and scientific articles. For this purpose, five articles of each type were selected in order to be analyzed. The study adopted the classification of metadiscourse markers based on Crismore et al. (1993) model in which metadiscourse is divided into textual and interpersonal markers. The study displayed that there are differences in the utilization of various metadiscourse markers between the literary and scientific genres. In general, the study found that writers of literary articles used metadiscourse markers less frequently than those who write in the scientific genre. In addition, the study showed that textual metadiscourse markers are, in fact, highly utilized in scientific articles while literary ones employ interpersonal markers more often.


