Special Education and Teaching



Special education, teaching, special education teaching


The purpose of this study; It is a description of the teacher training process by focusing on the factors affecting the training of special education teachers in our country. In addition, a competency-based teacher training model was supported by a comparison between Germany and Turkey in order to reveal the problems that arise in the teacher training process in special education today and to increase the quality of the teacher training process and its results in order to solve these problems. In addition, students in need of special education were examined according to the points in which they differ from their peers in the areas of cognitive aspect, language development, physical structure, social and emotionality, and the areas in which they need support education. "Special education"; It is evaluated within the general education system within the scope of the Basic Law of National Education and it is stated that special precautions and practices should be taken for individuals in need. It can be stated that there is a need to provide disabled individuals with individually prepared methods, techniques and tools, and differently developed training programs and plans for groups with different characteristics for each type and degree of disability in special environments for disabled individuals. In conclusion; Individuals with special needs were classified according to their areas of disability and it was concluded that educational environments should be differentiated according to the degree of disability of the individuals.


